A Sunday Morning Playlist
Four years ago almost to this day I had surgery to remove a pancreatic tumor and cancer. I’m always grateful for the outcome!
The surgery required the removal of half my pancreas and a rewiring of my system that had left me with some complications that took me 3 years to really understand what was going on with low levels of energy, difficulty with focus and weight gain.
2020 has been a complete difference. I was able to fully understand what was happening in my body, create a realistic plan to address it, develop a deeper understanding of nutrition, supplements, fitness and mindfulness.
The biggest thing was taking responsibility for how I showed up around this. Allowing myself to put down the harsh critical judgment of how it’s affected every facet of my life over the last few years and more compassion for the challenges and inevitably being able to let go of that energy. Having a great coach and a therapist also helps 😊
Over the last six months I dropped all the weight I had put on post surgery and have more energy and focus than I can ever remember. At 41, I feel mentally, physically and emotionally healthier than any point of my life. The results come quickly once you let go and start to focus on the work and not the problem.
We live in a moment where many people are struggling with their wellbeing and mental health. Our governments and experts are not doing enough to educate and bring awareness to the public on the importance of maintaining your immune system through the pandemic which is so important in my opinion. But it’s also our responsibility to address the low hums of anxiety and the habits we are creating and how to shift the things that we are not aligned with.
Having an honest conversation about how you live, work, eat, take care of your body and take care of yourself makes a huge difference.
And practicing more...
Mindful Presence.
Healthy Habits.
Purposeful Lifestyle.
Please feel free to reach out if this conversation speaks to you and you need some support.